BHB supports the MOHFW to develop the 5th national health sector development plans

With funding support from FCDO of British Government, BHB provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to implement its Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Programme (HPNSP). Since BHB launched in September 2018, the project has supported 27 of the Ministry’s different technical assistance projects. Each five-year HPNSP is unique because the plan is developed, funded, implemented, supervised, reviewed, and evaluated jointly by the MOHFW, other government sectors, donors, development partners, and civil society organisations. The 5th HPNSP (2024-2029) is due to start in July 2024, and the MOHFW is heavily engaged in designing and developing the plans. At the MOHFW’s request, BHB supported a series of related technical meetings, workshops, discussion sessions, field visits, etc. BHB also provided consultants to develop the concept paper on the strategic investment plan for the “Climate Change, Environmental Health including Medical Waste Management” thematic area as well as to develop the operational plans for “Primary Health Care” and “Health and Gender Support in Cox’s Bazar district”, where the Rohingya refugees are sheltered.