BHB exchanges views with eLearning platform participants

The BHB eLearning platform includes coursework on good pharmacy practice, antimicrobial resistance, and establishment of model pharmacies and model medicine shops, etc. BHB consistently works to add new courses and improve existing contents and design. In September 2023, BHB held two online events to garner feedback from participants of the eLearning platform. The 35 total participants were from Dhaka, Munshiganj, Mymensingh, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Gaibandha, Rajshahi, Natore, Barishal, Khulna, and Jhenaidah districts. The second event included two female grade C pharmacy technicians (women rarely work as pharmacy professionals in retail shops). A summary of the feedback on eLearning includes the following:

  • eLearning courses are informative and attractive
  • Contents help to refresh knowledge
  • Courses are easily accessed through smartphone or other personal device
  • Putting the quizzes after each lesson rather than at the end of the full course would be preferable
  • Quizzes should be accessible for longer to give participants more time to answer
  • Downloading the certificate takes time
  • First and last name fields in the registration panel should be merged into only one name to align with the convention in Bangladesh
  • Certificate download option should come after the completion of each lesson
  • There should be an easy way to retrieve a forgotten password

BHB is addressing the feedback to make the eLearning platform better meet user expectations.