BHB added more fuel to the AMR awareness campaign

In recent months, BHB enhanced its efforts to raise awareness of AMR among the population by sharing informative videos through social media channels. Two episodes of a recent series were broadcast on social media channels (e.g., Facebook page, YouTube, and websites). In these two episodes, Professor Dr. Sanya Tahmina, former Additional Directorate General of the Directorate General of Health Services, and Dr. Abu Sayem, a public health expert, discussed the factors contributing to AMR, such as inappropriate antimicrobial use in humans and animals, poor infection prevention and control practices, and inadequate sanitation. Another initiative has been publishing an AMR blog on BHB’s website. BHB’s focal points gather information from the online global knowledge hubs, research papers, and authoritative sources, and write blog posts on the most recent knowledge, technical know-how, opinions, etc. In the last quarter, six blog posts—all in Bengali—were added. These were cross-posted on the BHB Facebook page for wider reach. Another initiative has been to explore data from surveys, studies, etc. such as the results of BHB’s red-stripe initiative survey in this issue of the newsletter. At the end of March 2024, the BHB Facebook page had 2.22k followers. Since the page launched in September 2015, it has reached 1,099,280 people at the end of April 2024.