BHB’s IT support to DGDA continues

BHB continues to provide day-to-day human resource support to meet DGDA’s IT needs. The support included content upload to the website, end-user support, software and hardware troubleshooting, network maintenance, system security monitoring, backups and data recovery, collaboration with end-users, and technical support for the Automated Drug License Renewal System and Pharmacy Management Software.

A summary of the key support provided during May-June 2024 is below:

  1. Content uploads and updates on DGDA website: 499
  2. Technical and capacity building support: 43
  3. User support and training: 175 staff
  4. Assistance to approve drug license issuance through ADLRS: 225
  5. Addition of a new virtual service box on the DGDA national web portal to capture user experience and information availability.
  6. IT support to organize various DGDA meetings and training sessions.
  7. Administrative assistance for PMS user credentials via email and WhatsApp.

Providing users with mobile support for using the ADLRS and PMS registration modules