ADLRS — Empowering the future of pharmacy regulation in Bangladesh

What is ADLRS?

The Automated Drug Licensing and Renewal System (ADLRS) is a digital platform developed by the Better Health in Bangladesh project of MSH for DGDA. The idea was to transform the manual system of drug license issuance into an online automated system. Following originally developed in 2020, the ADLRS received a massive upgrade in 2023-2024 to enhance its user-friendliness, efficiency, and effectiveness. The DGDA discontinued the manual process of issuing drug licenses and established ADLRS as the sole system for this purpose.

How ADLRS reduced client cost and reduced time requirement for processing and issuance of drug license

Time & Cost Drug License Type Party Before ADLRS After ADLRS Amount (%)
Cost (BDT) New Client 38,000 3,000* 35,000 92%
Renew 7,000 2,000* 5,000 71%
Time (day) New DGDA Staff 20 5 15 75%
Client 45 5 40 89%
Renew DGDA Staff 10 0 10 100%
Client 20 0 20 100%
* Government fees

The use of ADLRS saved cost and time by eliminating clients’ travel need and reduced their hassles.