One of the project’s objectives of the BHB project was to help improve the safety of medicines delivered to the consumers through providing training to the pharmacy professionals working in retail medicine shops. In 2021, BHB launched an eLearning platform to
The transformation of a retail medicine shop to either a Model Medicine Shop or a Model Pharmacy requires compliance with a defined standard accreditation process. Each step of this accreditation process—such as pre-assessment, training of dispensers, post-assessment, and accreditation certification—requires hard work, perseverance, innovation, and commitment.
In addition to the afore-mentioned steps, the BHB project significantly enhanced the capacity building of the medicine dispensers.
Transfer of IT capacity to the medicine dispensers
BHB trained 14,129 medicine dispensers in three rounds, with the last two rounds held online. As such, our training team had to build the IT capacity of these participants. This enormous IT capacity building, beyond the pharmacy training curriculum, included:
- Use of smartphones
- Creating user accounts in Gmail, ZOOM, Facebook, and WhatsApp.
- Orientation on the various software, platforms, and channels (viz., ADLRS, PMS, eLearning platform, Facebook page, YouTube, Web portal, blogs, etc.) used by the project.