January-February 2022

Spotting unlicensed private retail medicine outlets in eight divisional city corporations

Having a valid DGDA drug license is mandatory to operate any private retail medicine outlet in Bangladesh. However, thousands of outlets are estimated to be doing business without a valid license. To get a better view of the situation, between November ২০২১ and February, 2022, a BHB team of 18 began visited 8 divisional city

Spotting unlicensed private retail medicine outlets in eight divisional city corporations Read More »

Benefits of the DGDA automated drug licensing and renewal system

The automated drug licensing and renewal system (ADLRS), a software established by BHB in partnership with DGDA and an information technology firm, is reducing staff and clients’ (drug shop owners) time and effort. The clients are receiving hassle-free and quicker service at a lower cost. The ADLRS, piloted for two months and officially launched in

Benefits of the DGDA automated drug licensing and renewal system Read More »

Progress in digitalizing process of DGME’s operations

BHB is supporting the Directorate General of Medical Education (DGME) in a year-long process to develop a comprehensive management information system. We are developing a wide range of solutions to digitalize almost all medical education management functions. Based on advice from the DGME Director General and his colleagues, the team prepared a priority list of

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Post-assessment of retail medicine outlets for accreditation begins

BHB provides technical assistance to the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) to facilitate the accreditation of retail medicine outlets in Bangladesh. There are six steps for accreditation, shown below. Six steps for issuing accreditation certificates to retail medicine outlets Pre-assessment: Trained monitors conduct pre-assessments of retail medicine outlets to see whether they fulfil the

Post-assessment of retail medicine outlets for accreditation begins Read More »