MSH’s BHB project provided substantial technical assistance to MOHFW’s 4th HPNSP

The MSH’s BHB project was meant for providing technical assistance (TA) to the MOHFW of the Government of Bangladesh for overall health systems strengthening under the umbrella of 4th HPNSP. A Technical Assistance Committee (TAC) of the MOHFW oversaw and coordinated the TA programs. During the BHB project life, 29 TAs were provided, which included:

  1. Two Strategies & Action Plans: (i) Social and Behavioral Change Communication for Non-communicable Diseases; and (ii) Mental health
  2. Tw Situation analyses & Action Plans: (i) Competency-based Allied Health Workforce; (ii) Situation analysis of National Disease Surveillance System with special focus to COVID-19
  3. Two National Health Surveys: (i) Adolescent Health Survey; (ii) Urban health Survey
  4. Three Technical Reports: (i) Advocacy for using generic names & low-cost medicines; (i) Introducing GP system in Bangladesh; (iii) Restructuring of DGHS
  5. Four key digital health solutions: (i) Health Management Information System of DGME; (ii) Human Resource Information System for MOHFW through MIS of DGHS; (iii) Grievance Redress System for DGHS; (iv) Operation of COVID Call Center for MOHFW
  6. Eleven Project Proposals development for medical colleges & hospitals; health city; waste management; cardiac surgery/kidney & liver transplant, etc.
  7. Three International Conferences: (i) Indo-pacific association of law medicine conference (2019); (ii) International Community Health Workers Conference (2019); and (iii) International Health Economics Conference (2023)
  8. Onboarding event of MOHFW’s 5,000 medical doctors (2019)
  9. Supported organization of 13 (thirteen) TAC meetings, 4 (four) consultants support for Mid Term Review (MTR)-2020, 3 (three) consultants support for Annual Program Review (APR)-2018 and 4 (four) consultants including team leader for revision of Operational Plan (OPs) and Project Implementation Plan (PIP) of 4th HPNSP.
  10. Supporting visit of 4 specialist doctors from the UK government comprised of orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, operations specialists, etc. to provide treatment and rehabilitation to the injured victims of the July-August 2024 political upsurge.