The MSH’s BHB project was meant for providing technical assistance (TA) to the MOHFW of the Government of Bangladesh for overall health systems strengthening under the umbrella of 4th HPNSP. A Technical Assistance Committee (TAC) of the MOHFW oversaw and coordinated the TA programs. During the BHB project life, 29 TAs were provided, which included:
- Two Strategies & Action Plans: (i) Social and Behavioral Change Communication for Non-communicable Diseases; and (ii) Mental health
- Tw Situation analyses & Action Plans: (i) Competency-based Allied Health Workforce; (ii) Situation analysis of National Disease Surveillance System with special focus to COVID-19
- Two National Health Surveys: (i) Adolescent Health Survey; (ii) Urban health Survey
- Three Technical Reports: (i) Advocacy for using generic names & low-cost medicines; (i) Introducing GP system in Bangladesh; (iii) Restructuring of DGHS
- Four key digital health solutions: (i) Health Management Information System of DGME; (ii) Human Resource Information System for MOHFW through MIS of DGHS; (iii) Grievance Redress System for DGHS; (iv) Operation of COVID Call Center for MOHFW
- Eleven Project Proposals development for medical colleges & hospitals; health city; waste management; cardiac surgery/kidney & liver transplant, etc.
- Three International Conferences: (i) Indo-pacific association of law medicine conference (2019); (ii) International Community Health Workers Conference (2019); and (iii) International Health Economics Conference (2023)
- Onboarding event of MOHFW’s 5,000 medical doctors (2019)
- Supported organization of 13 (thirteen) TAC meetings, 4 (four) consultants support for Mid Term Review (MTR)-2020, 3 (three) consultants support for Annual Program Review (APR)-2018 and 4 (four) consultants including team leader for revision of Operational Plan (OPs) and Project Implementation Plan (PIP) of 4th HPNSP.
- Supporting visit of 4 specialist doctors from the UK government comprised of orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, operations specialists, etc. to provide treatment and rehabilitation to the injured victims of the July-August 2024 political upsurge.