BHB Newsletter


Assessing the national disease surveillance system: The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated to countries the urgency to revisit their national disease surveillance systems. In this context, the Line Director of Communicable Disease Control at the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) asked BHB to review Bangladesh’s disease surveillance system and provide recommendations to strengthen it with an eye toward future major pandemics. The MOHFW’s technical assistance committee approved the proposal, and BHB hired a consultant who submitted an inception report on October 5, 2021.

Formulating a development project proposal: The DGHS and MOHFW are responsible for development projects such as the establishment or expansion of hospitals and training facilities. The process often requires review and approval from the government’s National Economic Council headed by the Honorable Prime Minister or by the Ministry of Planning. However, the DGHS Director of Planning is primarily responsible for preparing and revising these documents, which involves time-intensive stakeholder engagement. BHB hired a consultant to assist the Director of Planning with these responsibilities. The consultant submitted an inception report on October 6, 2021.

Providing information technology support: As part of its efforts to build DGDA staff capacity and transfer technical knowledge, BHB hired an information technology consultant who has been providing in-person support to DGDA on its automated drug licensing and renewal system, pharmacy management software, and other information technology-related issues.

Developing a management information system. BHB is hiring a consulting firm to develop DGME’s national management information system. The work will include a wide range of solutions for the digital transformation and automation of almost all medical education management system functions. The new system will revolutionize the way teachers, students, and staff from DGME and allied institutions across the country will work.