BHB completed training for over 6,000 Grade C pharmacy technicians

In March, BHB completed its planned training program of the Grade C pharmacy technicians as part of DGDA’s accreditation program. BHB’s target was to train 6,000 Grade C pharmacy technicians, and from August 2021 to March 2022, BHB achieved 103% of the target by completing training of 6,206 participants against 6,357 dispensers who started the training. The Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) supplied the training curriculum that was supplemented by information on COVID-19. The pandemic shifted training online, and courses were led by resource persons who were university teachers and pharmacy professionals.

Grade C Dispenser Training in Numbers

  • 12-day training course
  • Average 35 participants/batch
  • 18-20 concurrent batches/day
  • 650 participants/day on average
  • 138 resource persons
  • 20 training field monitors
  • 1 training field coordinator

Given the complexities, the training was a huge accomplishment. In addition to the good pharmacy practice and COVID-19 curriculum, BHB is proud that participants also received substantial information, communication, and technology skills including use a smart phone, Internet, Zoom platform, email, eLearning platform, and online databases. An exit survey showed that 98% of the trainees preferred online training to in-person training.