Ministry of Health officials view demo of ADLRS

Interest among policymakers is escalating about the Automated Drug Licensing and Renewal System (ADLRS), which BHB developed for the DGDA to automate the issue of drug licenses to drug shop owners. On 14 February 2024, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) asked the DGDA to provide a live demo of the software. A BHB senior technical adviser accompanied the DGDA team to help provide the demonstration for Ms. Anjuman Ara and Dr Md Ziauddin, Joint Secretaries of the Admin Wing of the Health Services Division of the MOHFW, and their colleagues. Both noted that the software’s impressive capabilities and comprehensive functionality ease and speed up the application submission, processing, and license issuing process, minimize clients’ travel, time, and hassle, and alleviate the chance of corruption. By leveraging automation and digital technologies, they said that the software would enhance efficiency, reduce paperwork, and lessen the bureaucratic hurdles that medicine shop owners face. They learned that BHB developed this software with FCDO financial assistance and offered thanks for providing such a great product for the MOHFW.